
Greeting message

All you are more than welcome...


All you readers are welcome. I am and I will be grateful for any contributions you'll want suggest.

I don't know how much time I could spend here and I don't  target anything as well,  simply  I'll update this blog only when I feel do it. All the comments that you have the goodness to post, will be absolutely free and obviously can not share my views. The anonymous comments or offensive will be removed at my discretion, however points of view may certainly be different, but one thing is quite uncompromising, respect !

As for many of you, many things that I read, study and quote here, are taken from the internet, etc... then, if you notice that them be protected by copyright, with prayer I ask you to report it to me them as soon as possible, letting me to remove  it or apport the most correct actions.

As a rule, what I publish on this blog is the work and fruit of the undersigned, otherwise it will be my concern highlight the sources, this should be in quotation marks or else unequivocally manner. So, if you decide to take my words and report/paste them elsewhere, would be welcome if you quote out the source,  author name and web address as well.

Another aspect, the language ! In this blog I'll write in English as well as in Italian. It is not because of any obsession or desire to be out of line or something else. Simply, my interests lead me to visit sites, community and forum, so I find myself to  interact more often in English then Italian. In addition, in the
"internet" world  the English language is universally regarded as the "first language" and  this is a point of view which I share.